If you're on this site, there
's a good chance you'll be hosting a wedding-related event at your home in the next little while. Whether its a bridal shower for your girlfriend, a welcome-back soiree after your destination wedding or even your very first house party as a "real" married couple, menu-planning is in your near future, oh yes! If only we all had the money to hire party planners like the celebrites do .... but wait! We do! And it's extremely affordable AND it doesn't matter where in the world you're located! Intrigued? Read on ...

I recently stumbled across a fab website that I thought I would share with you, as it sure had me tickled pink. Party Designers is a web-based party planning company run by the lovely Andrea Worsley (see pic at left ... isn't she adorable?). Click on the link, fill out the questionnaire, and for the price of $25 receive a fully-personalized menu complete with shopping list and prep tips (including timing -- hallelujah!). For an additional $13 you can also receive wine pairings specific to your menu.
The truly unique thing about Party Designers? Menus sent to you are not, repeat NOT taken from and created by a computer database. Instead, an actual honest-to-goodness plan
ner reviews your questionnaire answers and designs a menu around your specific needs. Fabulous enough for ya?

I love love love this idea, love love love that its a local company (what up Calgary! Woot woot!) and will be using Party Designer's services for my upcoming holiday party. I also love that company founder Andrea has recently started a blog of her own at http://partydesignersecrets.blogspot.com/ ... check it out for cooking tips, recipies and more!
*all pictures courtesy of Party Designers*
*all pictures courtesy of Party Designers*