For anyone who has never been to a bridal fair before, let me paint a picture for you --- imagine thousands of brides-to-be, most travelling with an entourage of at least two other women, packed into a room that normally woud be considered vast and yet, somehow, has shrunk enough to leave a miniscule 4-inch-wide gap between you & the next person for the entire time you are there.
Sounds horrible? It isn't. Though chaotic at times, wedding fairs, when it comes down to it, are
fun. As a bride-to-be, you will be treated like the princess you are the moment you set foot inside. Vendors will cater to your every (wedding) need; discounts will abound; and free tastings ... mmmm. Free tastings. Nothing to complain about there. Especially when it mainly consists of cupcakes, wedding cake, and chocolate. Can you say "Yum"?
Calgary has two large shows to speak of that are upcoming in the next few weeks. First up is
Bridal Fantasy on January 14th at the Telus Convention Centre (tickets $15). This show has only been around for three years, but is steadily growing in size & scope. Though the list of vendors is smaller then the
Calgary Wedding Fair , it is still a good bunch of companies to investigate, and if you are only able to attend this one, it will serve you well.
The granddaddy of the wedding fair scene in Calgary is, of course, the
Calgary Wedding Fair on January 21 at the Roundup Centre (tickets $15). This show is
huge. If you want the most bang-for-your-buck option, THIS is the one to attend. Boasting the most vendors and a
great fashion show, the Calgary Wedding Fair is a fab production all-around. I *ahem* will also be making my wedding trade show debut at this fair, so please be sure to stop by booth #130 and say hello!
As someone who has attended three wedding fairs to date (two as bridemaids, one as a bride-to-be), my biggest tip would be to
have your pertinent information (ie. name, address, phone number, and email address) printed out onto labels. This will not only save your hand from cramping-due-to-overuse on ballots, but will allow you to work through the room significantly faster. I whipped up about 30 of these babies before my foray as a bride last year, and had numerous other girls comment enviously that they wish
they had thought of that (all the while rubbing their poor, sore wrists).
My only other tip? Have fun! This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and, even if you think you "have" everything, it will definetely provide you with food for thought.
Good luck!